Author Topic: Bad Login  (Read 13895 times)


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Bad Login
« on: December 12, 2008, 09:08:59 PM »
Configured 5.4.0.  All nodes and server are on Windows XP.  Access and permissions have been granted for proxy and user mode.

When submitting Jobtypes in GUI or command line, it returns with a badlogin message.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 03:40:07 AM »
Hi there jumpstart,

When you have one or more windows machines on the farm configured
to be in the "user" execution mode, you need to register each user's
windows credentials with the supervisor.  The command-line tool
to do that is "qblogin".  A simple GUI equivalent can also be found in:
"Start Menu > PipelineFX > PipelineFX Qube! 5.4 > Microsoft Windows Login".

This is only needed to be done once initially, and whenever a user changes his/her password.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2009, 03:09:36 AM »
we have a mix of linux and windows workers but we want to use 'user execution mode'. I've already done qblogin and commandline submission from a windows machine works fine. However, submission from a linux client to a windows worker fails with a 'bad login' error.

I tried running qblogin from a linux client but it gives me error: ERROR: couldn't update password - are you sure it's correct?

Any ideas?



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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 07:36:20 PM »

Did you ever find a fix for this?  I have the same problem as i try to deploy 5.5.1.  We run AD authentication across a farm of OSX and Windows machines. 

Config 1:  Windows machines running in Proxy, OSX machines running in User.  If i submit from an OSX machine, it runs fine across entire farm.

Config 2:  Windows AND OSX machines running in User.  If i submit from OSX, I get badlogin's on the Windows machines.  If i submit from Windows, it runs fine.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 09:15:26 PM »
have you tried setting the client_host_domain (either by editing /etc/qb.conf or in the QubeGUI v5.5 Admin->ConfigureLocal) on the OSX hosts?

I'm guessing that the user is trying to authenticate as .\<name>, which is the windows local machine, but the account is a domain account, as in <domain>\<name>


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 10:07:12 PM »
Thanks jburk.  That seems to be working in initial tests.  I figured it was something simple.

However, will this preclude me from having uses from different domains submit jobs?  Or will it work as long as a given user's workstation is setup with their client_host_domain?


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2010, 12:18:58 AM »
Yes, you'll need to define the client_domain so that it matches the AD domain that the local mac user is defined in.  Do your OSX users authenticate against AD? 

This could be a problem when you have different users from different domains using the same machine...

We should pick up the AD domain the submitting user is authenticated in when submitting from OSX.  I'll speak to the developer.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2010, 03:19:47 AM »
Yes, you'll need to define the client_domain so that it matches the AD domain that the local mac user is defined in.  Do your OSX users authenticate against AD? 

This could be a problem when you have different users from different domains using the same machine...

We should pick up the AD domain the submitting user is authenticated in when submitting from OSX.  I'll speak to the developer.

Generally no, our Mac users do not authenticate against AD.  Most of our network is non-mac, so they Mac users typically just use local accounts.  They have the ability to auth via AD though.  I am planning to have them auth to AD for farm submission, as it will make things easier on the windows side.

You are right, it would be ideal if the domain could be derived based on current user.  However, it is unlikely that two people will be logging in from the same machine for submission purposes.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2010, 07:13:02 PM »
having same issue, have Mac OSX, and Windows 7 64x systems, users log in as domain users.  Whenever anyone tries to submit or run a job we get bad login from all computers on the farm.  Any idea of what configurations I should be looking for?  All jobs submitted in gui give us bad logins.


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Re: Bad Login
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2010, 07:34:10 PM »
having same issue, have Mac OSX, and Windows 7 64x systems, users log in as domain users.  Whenever anyone tries to submit or run a job we get bad login from all computers on the farm.  Any idea of what configurations I should be looking for?  All jobs submitted in gui give us bad logins.

Have you registered your password with the supe?