We've addressed may of the issues found in qube! 4.0 and have posted fixes for them in this release 4.0-5. It's available for download. The release notes are below.
You may download version 4.0-6 here: download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.
Thank you,
Pipelinefx Support Team
# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Pipelinefx L.L.C. All rights reserved.
# ###########################################################################
# Filename: RELEASE.txt
# Description:
# Release notes for Qube!
# ###########################################################################
@RELEASE: 4.0-6 (2006-04-21)
Please read the README.txt file for the latest important information regarding the installation and use of this package.
This release works with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above.
The biggest feature of this release is the addition of Shake and Fusion
support. Also, this release includes a number of bug-fixes and/or small enhancements. Upgrading from the previous version is recommended.
@FEATURE: Support for Samba Winbind where windows domain users are encoded
with DOMAIN\user names.
@FEATURE: User Token cache for windows worker fixes issues with auto-mounting
feature where mounts are not unmounted upon job completion.
@BUGFIX: Case 4676 - suspend on multi-cpu jobs on Windows hosts now correctly halt and resume.
@BUGFIX: Case 8476, 11205 - Fixed loss of shutdown ability on Windows for both install and uninstall
@BUGFIX: Case 13321 - Job requiring global resource will be preempted has been