Author Topic: Passing render options through Qube to 3ds max.  (Read 10009 times)


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Passing render options through Qube to 3ds max.
« on: August 16, 2006, 10:58:32 PM »

I would like to render tifs and rpfs that have additional channels like alpha and materialIDs on the Qube farm using 3DS Max. I however see no way to specify these options in the Qube submit window in 3DS Max.

I tried appending some 3dsmaxcmd options like -TIF_ALPHA:1 to the filename and output names but that didn't seem to work.  As a matter of fact it seemed to break the submit since if I append to the filename it renders the default file and if I append to the output name the file doesn't get saved at all.

Anyone know how I can pass these options through Qube so I can render stuff other then RGB?




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Re: Passing render options through Qube to 3ds max.
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 06:22:37 PM »
The 3DS Max Job Type doesn't support the addition of arbitrary command options to Max renders. You might want to consider 2 options:

  • Set the options in your scene file before submitting it to render.
  • Bypass the Max Job Type entirely and submit a command line batch using our command range Job Type.