Hello everyone,
now i'm very new at Qube and have only been using this for a short time...
but as many others when i had installed everything i had problems with the proxy user and it couldn't find the scene file in my maya project even though it was on a shared file server...
There's different suggetions to add permissions on server, og add the user account, and other startup scripts for automount...
what i did was to go into login item under accounts in system prefs, and then choose the volume to startup mount.. in this case /Volumes/RAID.
This is the path for all our projects...
but it still wasn't working...
so i went to "proxyuser" Library - preferences and found the file com.apple.loginitems.plist..
and there it did show /Volumes/RAID as a startup item, but with one difference
delete the "-1" in a good editor like Tekstwrangler (as it will let you edit the file, textedit does not always allow this)
and bam! it works...
now this may not apply to all mac users having difficulty with the proxyuser issue, but it did do the trick for me and is pretty easy, so i thought i would let you guys know....