OK, so I got everything setup with qube 5.4 on a worker and supervisor box and ive installed the core/work/supervisor/job types on the right machines and all can see the same network shares with the same logins and everything is drive mapped and no matter what i do or how i submit the jobs in 3DSMax09 or AFX CS3 all the jobs constantly fail with "render unexpectedly failed". I've tried everything across the board in either package. Running backburner and AFX watch folders works every time but when I try to not use them and try to use Cube instead the render jobs fails. I watch 3DSMax pop up and try to render the blank.max scene then lock and AFX doesnt launch at all sometimes. However I will address these problems later.
My question is. Is there any sort of guide in the realm of a "hello world" style for job types? I would love to see a screen grab of what a persons job submission for AFX and 3DSMax looks like. A template of the most basic of setup. I cant seem to find any sort of getting started in the simplest example anywhere. I am aware that the software is very capable of so much more than what I'm asking but for the sake of getting started I want to submit a AFX job of 30 frames to 2 host and render out the files as 640x480 TGA files. Then do the same for 3DSMax.
If anyone would be willing to screen grab or let me know how they are submitting basic jobs to Qube please let me know so i can get my feet wet before swimming in the deep end.
My new years resolution is to have one succesful render without using watch folders in 2009. Any help is appreciated.