Author Topic: Maintenance/Patch Release 6.9-2b and 6.10-0a of Qube! Now Available  (Read 11071 times)


  • Administrator
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  • Posts: 16
This is a supervisor-only patch release of 6.9-2 and 6.10-0 that includes the following key fixes.

  • Supervisor patches to help cut down on the number of threads, and reduce chances of repeated worker rejections on some farms due to race-conditions/timing issues.
  • A bug in the startHost() dispatch routine causing the supervisor NOT to always dispatch jobs to workers when they became available.

And this fix which applies to 6.10-0 only:

  • Job instances can become unkill-able with QB_PREEMPT_MODE_FAIL internal status

The releases are labeled as 6.9-2b and 6.10-0a.

NOTE regarding dependencies on Linux: Installation of this updated supervisor package on a linux system requires the use of rpm with the --nodeps argument; the yum utility does not support disabling the dependency checks during installation, only removal.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 05:06:35 PM by jburk »