Hey Scott ... sorry for the delay ...
The Qube Command is as follows ....
job id: 898
COMMAND: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Next Limit\x64\RealFlow4\realflownode.exe" -useCache True -range "149-220" "J:\2010_Jobs\cg_development_sm5759\3D\work\realflow\rf_projects\telephone_booth_net\tb_net_res_60.flw""
this does not work ... while the simulation seems to begin at the proper place, the output of the sim starts at frame 00000.
I connected remotely to the worker running this command and ran it from the cmd window as follows ...
C:\realflownode.exe -useCache True -range 149 220 J:\2010_Jobs\cg_development_sm5759\3D\work\realflow\rf_projects\telephone_booth_net\tb_net_res_60.flw
as you can see I got rid of the quotes and also the dash between beginning and end frame ... this seems to work.
does this help ?