Author Topic: Q&A: How to explicitly mount drives on Windows Workers  (Read 4836 times)

Scot Brew

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Q&A: How to explicitly mount drives on Windows Workers
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:03:32 PM »
Question: How to explicitly mount drives on Windows Workers?

The worker_drive_map configuration parameter tells Qube Workers running on Windows the explicit list of drives that it should mount before running jobs.

Option 1: Centrally set the configuration of Workers from the Supervisor using the QubeGUI
  • On the Qube Supervisor running as an Administrator, launch the QubeGUI
  • Under the Farm Layout, select the Workers and rt-click on "Configure"
  • Set the worker_drive_map fields for drive leetter, UNC path, username, and password.
  • Click OK Button to save it.
  • The configuration will then be automatically pushed out to the Workers

Option 2: Set the configuration directly on the Worker via the QubeGUI
  • On each Qube Worker running as an Administrator, launch the QubeGUI
  • Click on Administration->Configure (Local)
  • Set the worker_drive_map fields for drive leetter, UNC path, username, and password.
  • Click OK Button to save it.
  • The configuration will then be automatically saved for that Worker and the Worker restarted

Option 3: Modify the Worker's local qb.conf or the Supervisor's central qbwrk.conf files.

See Forum Posting 1789 <> for details on the format.

TESTING: Run a commandline job with the command "net use".
Note: Explicitly specify the "host" parameter so it runs on a particular Worker.