Author Topic: Windows 7 & OS X 10.6 fileshares: "scenefile xyz does not exist"  (Read 6524 times)


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If you have an OS X 10.6 fileserver and Win7 rendernodes the jobs may fail with "scenefile xyz does not exist."

If you logon as qubeproxy on the rendernode you will be asked for a user/password when you try to access the file.

It seems that OS X 10.6 does not support NTLMv2 - which prevents "single sign on" in a non-domain environment. 

To enable NTLMv1 one can do the following:

* Start Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
* Option: Local Policies -> Security Options -> Network Sucurity: LAN Manager authentication level
* Value: Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 session security ifnegotiated