A new beta release of QubeMobileServer has been made available. The new version, 0.9.1, comes with the following fixes and enhancements:
==== CL 10156 ====
@FIX:Better documentation in README.txt file
@TWEAK:Better startup messages
@FIX:Less communication with supervisor for improved performance
@FIX:Non-agenda based jobs now properly report percent complete
@FIX:Fixed bug that would cause self-signed certificates to be generated at every launch
@FIX:Allow Windows to run in ssl mode if a certificate has already been generated
==== CL 10138 ====
@NEW:QubeMobileServer is now threaded for better performance.
@FIX:Use OS-specific temporary storage if the given directory for certificates and/or sessions does not exist or is not writable.
@TWEAK:Added a favicon to reduce errors when connecting from non-mobile devices
@FIX:Fixed bug in QubeMobileServerUserAdmin that prevented it from starting in some instances
==== CL 10053 ====
@NEW:Shipping as both source and compiled binary, both of which have customizable templates. Linux rpms now available as well.
@NEW:Configuration moved into a qb.conf-like configuration file. All config settings can be overridden on the command line.
You can find this version of QubeMobileServer on our ftp site under /pub/beta/qubeMobile/0.9.1/
Qube! Mobile Server
I. Overview
II. Quick Start
III. Requirements
IV. Startup / Configuration options
V. Operation Overview / Examples
VI. User Management
VII. Modification
I. Overview
QubeMobileServer is a simple, cross-platform python webserver that is
purpose-built to display Qube! jobs over http. It can run over SSL,
require authentication and allow users to control their job through
the web interface (though each of those features can be toggled off if
the admin chooses to do so).
To note: Performance on Windows machines has proven to be quite slow.
Linux and OS X machines run qubeMobileServer *much* better than
II. Quick Start
To run the server, simply run qubeMobileServer[.py] with your python
interpreter. The [internal] URL to connect will be displayed when the
server starts. Simply point a web browser at that URL to see your
jobs. Start the server with a '-h' or '--help' command line argument
to see a list of startup options.
III. Requirements
Requirements for QubeMobileServer as a python script (in interpreted
1. Python 2.6 or newer (http://python.org) to run with ssl. Python
2.4 or newer is required if not running over ssl. The server is
100% python.
2. [optional] PyOpenSSL (https://launchpad.net/pyopenssl).
QubeMobileServer can be run over SSL for added security. If the user
does not already have a signed SSL certificate, QubeMobileServer will
create a self-signed certficate for its own use. Doing so requires
PyOpenSSL. PyOpenSSL is compiled into the pre-built binary for Linux
and OS X, but not Windows. Regardless of the OS, you can generate your
own certficate outside of qubeMobileServer with the following command:
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem
Doing so will be necessary for those who are running the server on
Windows, choose to run the server over ssl, and do not already have a
signed certificate.
3. [supplied] Mako Templates (http://www.makotemplates.org/). The
actual web pages are rendered with Mako templates.
Requirements for QubeMobileServer binary:
None. All required packages are included. PyOpenSSL is not included
with the Windows binary, so Windows machines cannot generate their own,
self-signed certificates. Windows machines may generate their own
certficates outside of qubeMobileServer if they choose. See III.2 above.
IV. Startup / Configuration options.
For this section, most files are relative to the qubeMobileServer
executable (be it the python script or compiled binary). It follows,
then, that "./" is the location of qubeMobileServer.
The following options control how QubeMobileServer runs. They can be
set either as command line options (run the server with '-h' or
'--help' to see this list and how to set the options) or they can be
set in the configuration file: ./config/qbms.conf.
- settings-file: The location of the qbms.conf settings file. By
default, it is in the conf directory next to the
qubeMobileServer executable.
- ssl: Tells the server to use SSL, SSL requires public and private
key/certificate files. If the user has these files for
another purpose (or has purchased one for this purpose),
they are welcome to use those files by telling
QubeMobileServer the location of said files in startup
options or in the config file. If certificate and key files are
not available, QubeMobileServer will generate self-signed keys so
SSL can be used. Note that because self-signed keys are not
verified by a known certificate authority, they will be
considered suspect by all browsers & ask the user if the
certificate is trusted before the site can be viewed.
Inform your users that the certificate can be trusted & by
doing so, all communication between the device and this
server will be encrypted. Note that when running in ssl
mode, the suer must access the server via https://.
Attempting to use http:// will result in failure.
Default is to use SSL.
- no-ssl: Tells the server to NOT use SSL. Note that when the
server is not running over ssl, the user must access
the server via http://, *not* https://
Default is to use SSL.
- port: The port on which the server will run.
Default: 8080
- jobs_in_cache: The number of jobs held in memory by
QubeMobileServer. The server will never get more than
the last n jobs from the supervisor. When filtering
results, filtering happens *after* the jobs are
retrieved from the supervisor. A smaller number here
will improve performance on the device but may mean
that some of the device users' jobs will be truncated
from the list of viewable jobs on very busy farms.
Default is to hold the 200 jobs in memory cache.
- refresh_interval: The number of seconds of operation after which the
data in memory is considered stale, causing the
data in memory to be discarded and renewed from
the supervisor.
Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour)
- certificates_dir: Directory that will hold self-signed
certificates. This will be used if the server runs
over SSL and the user has not specified a
certificate file.
Default: "./certs"
Note: If the running user cannot create or write to
./certs, OS-specific temporary storage will be used.
- certificate_file: Full path to a signed certificate file. This is
optional. If not given, the server will create
its own, self-signed file in certificates_dir.
Default: None
- key_file: Full path to a signed key file. This is optional. If not
given, the server will create its own, self-signed file in
Default: None
- sessions_dir: Directory that will hold session information so
authentication and device-made options can persist
across restarts.
Default: "./sessions"
- authentication: Tells the server to require password
authentication. Password authentication requires the ssl
module. If you do not have python >=2.6, you cannot
import ssl & therefore cannot use passwords. With
passwords turned off, a device user will still be able
to filter out any single user's jobs, but will not be
allowed to control any user's jobs. Password
information lives in a single file database - the
location of which is configurable, with the default
location being in the current directory. The password
database is obfuscated and does not contain any
clear-text passwords, so it should be no less secure
than, e.g., /etc/shadow. Users administration is
performed through the utility
qubeMobileServerUserAdmin[.py]. See that program's help
screen for more info.
Default is to use authentication.
- no-authentication: Tells the server to NOT require password
Default is to use authentication.
- password-file: The location of the local user database. This file
will only be used if authentication is used. The
password file can be edited while the server is running
by use of the qubeMobileServerUserAdmin program. See
that program's help screen for more info.
Default: "./.passwd"
- template-dir: The path to the directory that holds the html
Default: "./qubeMobile/view"
- allow-control: Gives device users control over their jobs through
the device interface. This option has two
1. Passwords (and therefore SSL) must be used so we
ensure we're giving control to the correct user.
2. QubeMobileServer is started by a Qube!
If those two requirements are met, then for jobs
owned by the logged in user (when viewing the queue
on a device), "Kill" and "Retry Failed" buttons will
be displayed on the job details page. If the
usernames do not match, the buttons will not be
Default is to NOT allow control.
V. Operation Overview / Examples
Typically, one would start the server by simply running:
./qubeMobileServer[.py] (or /path/to/python qubeMobileServer.py)
Doing so assumes you have ssl, PyOpenSSL (or a signed certificate) and
Mako templates available. Mako templates ship with QubeMobileServer &
are located in the root directory of the distribution (next to
qubeMobileServer[.py]). ssl ships with python, starting with version
If you want to give users control over their jobs when viewing jobs on
the device, launch with the following option:
./qubeMobileServer[.py] --allow-control
When you start the server, it print out a message that gives a URL
that can be used to reach the server. This is not necessarily the
only URL that will work. All requests that go to this machine and the
specified port should result in success, the only caveat being that
servers started with SSL *must* use https:// whereas servers started
without SSL *must* use http://.
To run a server on a Windows machine in a facility that does not already
have a signed, ssl certificate file:
./qubeMobileServer[.py] --no-ssl
VI. User Management
QubeMobileServer uses its own user management. While it may be
possible to tie into your existing authentication system, doing so is
unsupported and will require modifying the source code.
Next to qubeMobileServer[.py], you will find
qubeMobileServerUserAdmin[.py]. This utility allows you to add, remove
and list current users. To change a user's password, simply re-add
them to the database. Once users are added, a username and hashed
password will be added the to password file. By default, this file is
.passwd in the root of the distribution package. The file can be
moved either by changing the config file or giving a command line
argument. If the latter, the same argument must be used for starting
the server or running the user admin utility. See the help screen for
qubeMobileServerUserAdmin by giving the '-h' or '--help' command line
VII. Modification
All html pages come from qubeMobile/view. In that directory, you will
find html templates that are rendered by Mako. Changing the templates
will change the look and content of the data that is displayed on the
device that connects to QubeMobileServer.
Data that changes the farm is sent via POST and handled in the
server's do_POST method. If you choose to add more functionality by
way of an additional button in a template, you must also change the
do_POST method to accommodate the new functionality.
VIII. Support
You can find support either through the PipelineFX forum or via our
support system by writing in to support@pipelinefx.com. If you write
into the support system, be sure to include the company with which you
work so that we may better track the support request.
# Licensed Materials - Property of Pipelinefx L.L.C.
# (C) COPYRIGHT Pipelinefx Limited Liability Corporation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
# Pipelinefx L.L.C.
# QubeMobileServer
# Written by: Brian Knudson / PFX
# briank@pipelinefx.com
# 2012-06-04
# Description:
# Python-based web server, designed specifically for qubeMobileView
# Notes:
Mako templates are distributed under MIT license.
Copyright (C) 2006-2012 the Mako authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>.
Mako is a trademark of Michael Bayer.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.