Author Topic: sending VRay framebuffer outputpath to qube outputName RenderParameter  (Read 12666 times)


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specs: vray 2.3, 3dsmax2011, qube 6.4

hi there,

is there a way to tell qube to use the vray framebuffer outputpath (in maxscript: renderers.current.output_rawFileName) as outputName in the qube render parameters so i can use the browseDir function?

so for example, when submitting via max i just put a variable like "%renderers.current.output_rawFileName%" in the outputName slot. or would i have to edit the submit dialog script to access maxscript variables?

rendering works fine and all, it's just for convenience ;)
right now qube has no idea where my frames are written since it probably expects a standard max output path and not the vray framebuffer path.

thanks in advance!


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Re: sending VRay framebuffer outputpath to qube outputName RenderParameter
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 07:06:42 PM »
Hi there--

Hmmm, it should automatically catching the output path after rendering each frame, even for vray renders... perhaps there's something wrong with the logic.  Could you zip up the joblog folder for a test job (smaller the better, like one frame), and attach to this post or send to our support email? (support <at> pipelinefx dot com).
FYI, where to find the joblogs is listed below.

In order to address your problem more completely, please send us the job log directory for the job in question.

You can locate the directory by logging into your Supervisor, and looking for the job log folder in the following location (depending upon your Supervisor platform):

Windows XP / Windows Server 2003:
\Program Files\pfx\qube\logs\job

Windows 2008 / Vista / Window7:

Linux, OS X:

In that folder, you will find a numbered directory that corresponds to the number of thousands in the job ID. (ID < 1000 = 0) Search in one of these folders for the one that corresponds to the correct job ID.

Zip up the entire job ID folder and reply to this email message with the zipped file.

If the zipped job ID folder turns out to be larger than 7MB, don't send it, but let us know and we will help you address the problem in an alternative fashion.


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Re: sending VRay framebuffer outputpath to qube outputName RenderParameter
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 08:54:08 AM »
Oh my bad, i just realized it actually does work with "_3dsmax" jobs. But it doesn't with "cmdrange" jobtypes sent from max.

i'll send you the joblog as soon as i get to it :)