Not at the moment (reliably); a "retry count" is something we're going to be adding to a future release of Qube, but it's not present in the current version.
When a failed frame is auto-retried due to the job's "retrywork" value, the history only shows the frame running, then pending, then running.
[May 6, 2013 11:00:21] 34729:1 - __QUBE_SYSTEM__@ work state: running subjob: 34729.0 (
[May 6, 2013 11:00:21] 34729:1 - __QUBE_SYSTEM__@ work state: pending subjob: 34729.0 (
[May 6, 2013 11:00:21] 34729:1 - __QUBE_SYSTEM__@ work state: running subjob: 34729.0 (
[May 6, 2013 11:00:21] 34729:1 - __QUBE_SYSTEM__@ work state: pending subjob: 34729.0 (
[May 6, 2013 11:00:21] 34729:1 - __QUBE_SYSTEM__@ work state: running subjob: 34729.0 (