Author Topic: Maya render different frame ranges on different layers  (Read 13684 times)


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Maya render different frame ranges on different layers
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:39:00 AM »
Does the Maya jobtype support rendering different frame ranges on different layers?

I have a scene of say 100 frames (0-99) with 2 layers, namely bg and char.
On the bg layer, render all frames.
On char, render frame 50-99.

I know I can do that by submitting 2 separate jobs manually. But the situation quickly becomes awkward and very time consuming as the number of layers increases. Deadline has these options
  • submitting layers as separate jobs
  • override layer job settings

It means it can submit the layers as separate jobs automatically and I can specify the parameters (e.g. frame ranges, cameras, etc) for each job right from the submit dialog.

I am wondering if the stock Maya jobtype supports that?


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Re: Maya render different frame ranges on different layers
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 08:43:08 AM »
Hi tomo,

Yes, if you install the Maya App UI from the Qube Wrangler View GUI (File > Install App UI > Install Maya App UI...), then you'll find a "Qube!" menu when you relaunch Maya.  In there, you should find a "Submit Job per Layer..." menu item that will allow you to submit a job for each layer.
