Author Topic: "The renderer vray,vray is not registered yet."  (Read 11873 times)


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"The renderer vray,vray is not registered yet."
« on: May 08, 2015, 03:35:35 PM »
Running a 12-node farm, supervisor 6.3-1, all workers are 6.6-3. Not running into this issue often as it seems to only happen with particular scene files, but when it does it kills about one out of every 30 frames or so. The error:

Code: [Select]
Error: file: /usr/autodesk/maya2014-x64/scripts/others/mayaBatchRenderProcedure.mel line 312: The renderer vray,vray is not registered yet.
Seemed like a timing issue, like maybe the render script was sent to Maya before Vray had loaded, but a little searching shows this bugfix from version 6.4-0:

Code: [Select]
==== CL 9673 ====
@FIX: catch case where "getattr defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer" returns an array reference and not a string; results in renderer names like "vray,vray", causes "Error: The renderer vray,vray is not registered yet."

My nodes are running 6.6-3 though, so this should be fixed, right? The supervisor is a slightly older version because that's all my studio has a license for, but that shouldn't affect batch render scripts on the workers. Correct? Can anyone tell me if this is the old bug and the only fix is to pay lots of $$$ to upgrade the supervisor, or is this a new bug and if so, can it be fixed?
