Author Topic: Qube! 6.6-4b WranglerView patch release is available  (Read 8393 times)


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Qube! 6.6-4b WranglerView patch release is available
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:50:24 PM »
A 6.6-4b patch release is now available for the Qube 6.6-4 WranglerView. This is a recommended release for all customers running Qube v6.6-4.

This patch is available for all supported operating systems, and incorporates a performance optimization uncovered by Andy Jones and Alon Gibli of PSYOP LA which affect loading job logs when the per-frame log sections become very large.

For those using the Qube Installer utility, the 6.6-4 manifest file has been updated.  If you are using version 2.1-0 or later of the QubeInstaller installer utility, it, will auto-detect if a manifest has a newer version and offer to download it.

You may also download the patched version directly at:

Full release notes are available on our documentation site:

WranglerView 6.6-4b contains an optimization uncovered by Andy Jones and Alon Gibli of PSYOP Los Angeles which affects performance when the log sections for individual frames get very large.


@FIX: integrate all post-1a-release performance tweaks found in 6.7 back into 6.6:

  * CL 14436 - @FIX: another performance improvement, tweak regex that trims the end of the per-frame logs

   * CL 14450 - @FIX: don't make the "got work" regex greedy, it can cause a log application hang where the per-frame log data is very long; the time spent in the hang is actually invisible to the python profiler

  * CL 14451 - @FIX: apply regex tweak to the section that trims text after"requesting work". Will benefit logs with very long per-frame sections.