Author Topic: Avere for Cloud File Storage: Google Cloud Platform  (Read 8829 times)

Render Guru

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Avere for Cloud File Storage: Google Cloud Platform
« on: February 26, 2016, 10:22:31 PM »
Google Cloud Platform hosted a special event for infrastructure specialists working in the entertainment industry in the spring of 2015. Avere's Jim Thompson, lead media and entertainment systems architect at Avere, presented to the group, introducing Avere for cloud file storage, using Google Cloud Platform.

In this video, you'll hear Jim talk about:

  • How Avere virtual machines (vFXTs) work
  • How large special effects studios are using Avere with Google Cloud Platform to manage peaks in rendering workflows (cloud bursting) and minimize latency to remote users (WAN caching)
  • How to diversify storage over multiple tiers using on-premises core filers and Google Cloud Storage for resiliency and cost-effective storage management.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 10:26:25 PM by Render Guru »