We are happy to announce the release of Qube! v4.0-8!
4.0.8 is a minor release, primarily to address some memory leaks
in the Supervisor, along with improved support for Maya 8 and
After Effects 7.
You may download it here:
http://ftp.pipelinefx.com/smf/downloads/qube/4.0/release/8/Please download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.
Thank you,
Pipelinefx Support Team
* Reduced supervisor memory leaks on Windows and Linux
Case 7505 - Sometimes supervisor leaks memory when killing, removing, submitting many jobs
Case 7526 - Suspected memory leak with retrysubjob jobs
Improvement is OS flavor dependent (in particular SUSE 9.2 still seems to have issues)
* Worker now skips proxy account check for worker start if the worker is in user mode
Case 7146 - worker start with PANIC if proxy account doesn't exist
* Jobs with no flags no longer show the flags as "0none"
Case 12667 - qbjobs shows jobs with no flags as "0none"
* The qubeproxy user on Windows now has its password set to "never expires"
Case 15207 - On Windows, qubeproxy user password is not set to "never expires"