I'm submitting the following maya job package:
job = {}
job['name'] = 'maya test job'
job['cpus'] = 4
job['prototype'] = 'maya'
job['requirements'] = 'host.os=linux'
package = {}
job['package'] = package
job['package']['batchmode'] = 0
job['package']['scenefile'] = '/path/to/sceneFile.ma'
job['package']['currentRenderer'] = 'mentalRay'
range = '1-10x1'
agenda = qb.genframes(range)
job['agenda'] = agenda
listOfJobsToSubmit = []
listOfSubmittedJobs = qb.submit(listOfJobsToSubmit)
The job renders 4 frames of the scene file and then stops with the rest of the frames remaining in 'pending' status indefinitely. The 4 rendered frames report as 'failed' although they rendered fine. Can you tell me what the problem is? The scene file renders fine thru the 'cmdline' jobtype so what is in the 'maya' jobtype that i'm missing. Here is the tail of the stderr:
INFO: rendering layer [defaultRenderLayer] using renderer [mentalRay]
mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, "", "defaultRenderLayer", "mentalRay", "-v 5 -lic ns"); system ("/usr/bin/perl -e \"sleep 1\"");
mental ray: got 0 satellite CPUs.
Warning: (Mayatomr.Scene) : greyAlien_renderPuppet_GenMan_GEOShape: empty UV set map1 detected, ignored
>>>> result=
ERROR: melexec() returned success, but 'result' is empty
setAttr defaultRenderLayer.renderable 0
setAttr cameraShape1.renderable 0
ERROR: there were at least [1] errors in processing this frame
WARNING: maximum tries of 1 exhausted... at /usr/local/pfx/jobtypes/maya/MayaJob.pm line 368.
WARNING: ...subjob bailing...
==================== FAIL FRAME #0001 ====================
Reporting frame status to supe:
$VAR1 = bless( {
'status' => 'failed',
'name' => '1',
'data' => undef,
'package' => bless( {}, 'maya::Package' ),
'host' => 'rfl0035',
'subid' => 0,
'pid' => 835,
'resultpackage' => {
'outputPaths' => ''
}, 'qb::Work' );
reporting status on work for: 835.0 1 - failed
==================== WORK END ====================