Author Topic: Sup logs  (Read 8064 times)


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Sup logs
« on: February 19, 2008, 10:44:43 PM »
We are running our supervisor on a 10.4 mac g5 with qubic 5.2-1 and am having to throw out the sup logs every day as it is filing up the main HD (75gb log files) I have unchecked all of the log flags in the supervisor settings. I have also set the verbose settings of the mentalray command renders to a very low(3) setting so it is not sending us back progress messages. all render machines are running 10.4 and qubic 5.1.
Any thoughts.
Erik Rambo


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Re: Sup logs
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 12:15:09 AM »
Can you identify which logfiles are filling up the fastest? Is it the supelog, or the job logs?