Author Topic: failed submissions  (Read 8154 times)


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failed submissions
« on: April 07, 2008, 05:25:37 PM »
I'm submitting and getting the following error

ERROR: scenefile [//Sunrise-server/bearBums/assets/timba/brad/bs_timba_080402_8.mb] does not exist on the execution machine [SUNRISE-NODE1] at C:\Program Files\pfx\jobtypes/maya/ line 170.

And that path does exist on the render machine...
Any suggestions?


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Re: failed submissions
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2008, 03:44:09 AM »
The path may in fact exist, but if it isn't readable by the qubeproxy user, you will still get this error. Qube ships in the default mode "proxy," which means the job is executed by the proxy user. Qube installs a default user called "qubeproxy," which must be able to access this file.
You'll need to adjust your server configuration to include qubeproxy in the group of users that has access to the file.