Author Topic: XSI Jobtype requires Python  (Read 9911 times)


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XSI Jobtype requires Python
« on: November 13, 2008, 11:40:58 PM »
The XSI Jobtype requires that Python is installed and working properly for XSI 6.x and above. 

If you see an error message like:

ERROR - Could not create script handler.
FATAL - Script Aborted.

in your XSI job's stdout or stderr like the following, then it's very likely that your Python installation is corrupt/incomplete, so you'll want to reinstall Python and its XSI library module.

You will need to consult your XSI documentation for details, but here's an excerpt from the jobtype's README:

Code: [Select]
  For XSI 6.x and above, you need the Python language installed and
  properly working.

  [XSI 7.0: Linux 32-bit and Python]

  * Python should be automatically installed for you.

  [XSI 7.0: Windows 32-bit and Python]

  * Please refer to the section entitled "To install Python on
    Windows" in the XSI documentation for more details:

    * "Start" Menu -> "All Programs" -> "Softimage Products" ->
        "Softimage XSI <ver>" -> "Documentation" -> "XSI Guides"

    * Goto the "Contents" tab, then
        "Customization" -> "Scripts" -> "Scripting Languages"

    * Scroll down to the section on "Python ActiveX Scripting", and
      follow the instructions on "To install Python on Windows"

  [XSI 7.0: Linux/Windows 64-bit and Python]

  * For Linux 64-bit and Windows 64-bit, you'll need to perform some
    extra steps on all Qube workers and clients.  Please follow the
    instructions found at:

  * Please also refer to:

  [XSI 6.5: Linux 32-bit and Python]

  * Python should be automatically installed for you.

  [XSI 6.5: Windows 32-bit and Python]

  * Please refer to the section entitled "To install Python on
    Windows" in the XSI documentation for more details:

    * "Start" Menu -> "All Programs" -> "Softimage Products" ->
        "Softimage XSI <ver>" -> "Documentation" -> "XSI Guides"

    * Goto the "Contents" tab, then
        "Customization" -> "Scripts" -> "Scripting Languages"

    * Scroll down to the section on "Python ActiveX Scripting", and
      follow the instructions on "To install Python on Windows"

  [XSI 6.5: Windows 64-bit and Python]

  As of this writing, you must install ActivePython, AND a
  module called "pywin32", available from Softimage's "XSI 6.5
  Advanced Downloads" page, at the URL:

  Look for the "Python - 64-bit" link in the "Windows" section.

  Python - 64-bit:

  Extensions to run Python on the Windows 64-bit operating system. You
  must first install the Win64 Python version from
  (ActivePython- Will not work on a
  machine already running ActivePython for 32-bit.

  [XSI 6.5: Linux 64-bit and Python]

  Linux 64-bit is not supported by XSI 6.5.


  • Sr. Member
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Re: XSI Jobtype requires Python
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2008, 10:39:57 AM »
thank you for the update! Is the new jobtype able to work with python 2.6 now?
That would be great and solve this:!

« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 10:42:55 AM by laschmoove »


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Re: XSI Jobtype requires Python
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2008, 04:10:54 AM »
Hi laschmoove,

Python 2.6 is still not supported.  In fact, 2.6 for windows x64 hasn't been
released by activestate yet.

Please stay tuned for our press release announcements for python 2.6 support.


  • Jr. Member
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Re: XSI Jobtype requires Python
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2009, 01:34:01 PM »
The XSI Jobtype requires that Python is installed and working properly for XSI 6.x and above. 

If you see an error message like:

ERROR - Could not create script handler.
FATAL - Script Aborted.

in your XSI job's stdout or stderr like the following, then it's very likely that your Python installation is corrupt/incomplete, so you'll want to reinstall Python and its XSI library module.

You will need to consult your XSI documentation for details, but here's an excerpt from the jobtype's README:

Code: [Select]
  For XSI 6.x and above, you need the Python language installed and
  properly working.

  [XSI 7.0: Linux 32-bit and Python]

  * Python should be automatically installed for you.

  [XSI 7.0: Windows 32-bit and Python]

  * Please refer to the section entitled "To install Python on
    Windows" in the XSI documentation for more details:

    * "Start" Menu -> "All Programs" -> "Softimage Products" ->
        "Softimage XSI <ver>" -> "Documentation" -> "XSI Guides"

    * Goto the "Contents" tab, then
        "Customization" -> "Scripts" -> "Scripting Languages"

    * Scroll down to the section on "Python ActiveX Scripting", and
      follow the instructions on "To install Python on Windows"

  [XSI 7.0: Linux/Windows 64-bit and Python]

  * For Linux 64-bit and Windows 64-bit, you'll need to perform some
    extra steps on all Qube workers and clients.  Please follow the
    instructions found at:

  * Please also refer to:

  [XSI 6.5: Linux 32-bit and Python]

  * Python should be automatically installed for you.

  [XSI 6.5: Windows 32-bit and Python]

  * Please refer to the section entitled "To install Python on
    Windows" in the XSI documentation for more details:

    * "Start" Menu -> "All Programs" -> "Softimage Products" ->
        "Softimage XSI <ver>" -> "Documentation" -> "XSI Guides"

    * Goto the "Contents" tab, then
        "Customization" -> "Scripts" -> "Scripting Languages"

    * Scroll down to the section on "Python ActiveX Scripting", and
      follow the instructions on "To install Python on Windows"

  [XSI 6.5: Windows 64-bit and Python]

  As of this writing, you must install ActivePython, AND a
  module called "pywin32", available from Softimage's "XSI 6.5
  Advanced Downloads" page, at the URL:

  Look for the "Python - 64-bit" link in the "Windows" section.

  Python - 64-bit:

  Extensions to run Python on the Windows 64-bit operating system. You
  must first install the Win64 Python version from
  (ActivePython- Will not work on a
  machine already running ActivePython for 32-bit.

  [XSI 6.5: Linux 64-bit and Python]

  Linux 64-bit is not supported by XSI 6.5.

Right. I have upgraded Python to 2.5, and installed the XSI extensions.
The "ERROR - Could not create script handler. FATAL - Script Aborted."
Has now gone away.

However, it is now replaced by:

COMMAND: -auxiliary_data C:\DOCUME~1\U0012318\LOCALS~1\Temp\9i0itxxqe0 -continue -lang Python -script "C:\Program Files (x86)\pfx\jobtypes\xsi\"
' ERROR : Traceback (most recent call last):
'   File "<Script Block >", line 14, in <module>
'     import qb
'   File "C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\api\python\qb\", line 25, in <module>
'     exec('import '+qbPythonVer+' as _qb')
'   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
' ImportError: DLL load failed with error code 193
'  - [line 14]
ERROR - Cannot parse script.
FATAL - Script Aborted.

The Operating system is XP 64, but the XSI version is 7.0.1 (32-bit)
How do I get around this one?

Oh, and while I'm on, is Python 2.6 supported yet?
Ohh, and err, is there a plugin for XSI 7.0.1 for Windows?