Author Topic: Fusion submitter  (Read 7727 times)


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Fusion submitter
« on: November 27, 2008, 11:31:15 AM »
Hey guys,
I'm new to Qube but from what I have seen I like it very much. I have the Maya portion of qube working well but now I am on the Digital Fusion. Right now we use 5.1 but have subscription and will eventually move to 6 but thats later this year or beginning of next. I have installed the jobtype for fusion and I get this error:

ERROR: cannot load Qube API library [C:/Program Files/pfx/jobtypes/fusion/api/5.1/qb.dll]

There is no really 64 vs 32 bit jobtype for fusion is there? I will poke around the ftp again to see if I missed something but I'm a bit confused. I have seen that I can submit through cmd line but if there already a set up I would like to try it :D


Scot Brew

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Re: Fusion submitter
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2008, 09:28:07 PM »
This is something that can be easily cleared up.  The Fusion jobtype that you downloaded supports Fusion 5.0 and earlier. 

For Fusion 5.1 and above you should use the "Fusion (ConsoleSlave)" jobtype built-in to the QubeGUI.  No component needs to be installed on the Workers as the interface between Qube and Fusion now goes through Fusion's commandline-driven Console Slave.

A list of Qube applications and notes can be found at:

Let us know if you come across any further issues with getting Fusion rendering through Qube.