I have been off and on trying to test a new way to organize our maya renders. I have the maya job as one job, and a custom type as a second, in the same group. The custom job has a few frames that update the database with different statuses, an email job, and a quicktime job. They are supposed to start at different times depending on the status of the maya job.
The problem I am having is that no matter what method I try to do with callbacks, I cannot get a specific frame and the job to unblock in the extraJob when the mayaJob completes. I have tried perl/python/qube callbacks and none actually get the work to start. I watch the callback count increment to 1, so I know the trigger is being met.
The thing is... if I open up a python interactive shell, I can do this:
>>> import qb; qb.unblockwork('%s:dbDone' % 2980) ; qb.unblock('2980')
['2978.2', '2978.1']
which is an attempt to mimic the callback:
cb = {}
cb['triggers'] = 'complete-job-mayaJob'
cb['language'] = 'python'
cb['code'] = 'import qb\n'
cb['code'] += "qb.unblockwork('%s:dbDone' % qb.jobid())\n"
cb['code'] += "qb.unblock(qb.jobid())\n"
And the dbDone agenda frame unblocks, along with the job, and it runs and completes.
Any idea why I can't actually get the callback to work?
The above callback was taken from the jobSubmit06.py python example.