FYI this was emailed to me.
Hi Pink,
The GUI looks at each agenda item's "resultpackage" for an
entry named "outputPaths", which is a comma-separated string
of output file paths.
If you do, on a command prompt, a "qbjobs --data <JOBID>",
where a <JOBID> is the jobID of a job of one of our jobtypes
that display the results in the "output" preview tab, you should
be able to see it.
You can't really tell the qbsub command to populate that field--
you'd have to write your own frontend or backend, and then fill
out each agenda item's resultpackage's outputPaths. Your agenda
list, for example in Python, would look like:
'agenda': [Work({'resultpackage': {'outputPaths': '/path/to/myimg.001.tif'}, 'name': '001'}),
Work({'resultpackage': {'outputPaths': '/path/to/myimg.002.tif'}, 'name': '002'}),
Work({'resultpackage': {'outputPaths': '/path/to/myimg.003.tif'}, 'name': '003'})]
See the attached sample python script (also should be found in your
QBDIR/examples/python/ directory) for an example.