Author Topic: After Effects Job Type...  (Read 8206 times)


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After Effects Job Type...
« on: July 14, 2009, 11:36:17 PM »
From what I understand there are 2 ways to submit jobs in after effects.

1. Through a script, which brings up the qube gui submit dialog
2. Through a  plugin, which actually submits from within after effects.

But I can't seem to find a definite answer anywhere on whether the plugin is still supported and whether it will work with the latest after effects, or after effects pro.

Also I also can't seem to get the after effects job type to work. When I submit from within qube the job shows up with 0 tasks, and the job fails, and I can't seem to find any kind of output on why it fails.

Can anyone help out?

Scot Brew

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Re: After Effects Job Type...
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 11:49:17 PM »
The .jsx script is the in-app submission method that we are using moving forward.  It works with both CS3 and CS4.  That is the recommended way.  The plugin is deprecated.

To install the scripts, launch the QubeGUI and then go under the "File->Install AppUI" menu item for after effects.  It will copy 2 .jsx files to your aftereffects Scripts/ directory that you can then use within After Effects under the File->Scripts menu.

To see output as to why an aftereffects job is failing, click on the job and then select the Stdout and Stderr panels in the QubeGUI.