Let me start by saying how great i think Qube is - it has been fantastic for our rendering pipeline. We have had no major issues with rendering, but my question pertains to caching. My artists would like to be able to submit there nCloth caches to the farm so they can keep working while the caches run. I can get the command to run fine within Maya, ex:
select pPlane1; doCreateNclothCache 4 { "2", "1", "10", "OneFilePerFrame", "1", "Ncloth_Data","0","Cloth_Test","1", "add", "0", "1", "1","0","1" };
Is there a way to design a job which would just open Maya and create the cache on 1 subjob for a certain frame range with out engaging the renderer? I have been trying to create a command line job to so but its a little over my head. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.