Hi Shane,
Actually, the licensing is dynamic-- when 10 workers are running jobs, you'll
be using 10 licenses.
When you see the "license limit reached" error again, try a "qbping again--
that will probably say 10/10.
Having said that, I can't tell what's exactly happening-- could you open
a support case with us, by sending a description of your issue, and the supervisor
log file, zipped, to support@pipelinefx.com ? See below on where/how to find
and send the supelog.
In order to address your problem more completely, please send us the Supervisor log.
You can locate the log file by logging into your Supervisor, and looking for supelogs in the following folder (depending upon your Supervisor platform):
Windows XP
\Program Files\pfx\qube\logs
Windows 2008 / Vista / Windows 7
Linux, OS X
In that folder, you will find a series of supelogs, each numbered for the week of the year.
Zip up the the most current supelog and reply to this email with the zipped file.
Caution: Supelogs can grow very large! If the zipped supelog is larger than 7MB, DO NOT SEND IT as it will delay our ability to respond to your problem.
Instead, excerpt only the parts of the log that correspond to the job ID or day that you observed the problem. Zip up the excerpt and reply to the email message with the smaller file.