Excellent. Sounds like you've got a good network setup there.
First, let's address a few configuration recommendations. Then we'll go into stepping through tests you should run before attempting the actual "render" itself.
#1. Since you are using a PDC, I'm guessing your file server is using it to authenticate users. This is to serve both file permissions as well as ease of maintenence. You can take full advantage of this in qube!. Unfourtunatly because not everyone has a good network, qube! is not configured by default to do so. So... I'll give you the configuration you'll want:
I. Setup your workers -
a. Install the worker on a windows host.
b. Open the Configuration Dialog: Program Files->Pipelinefx->qube! 4.0
c. Click on the worker settings tab, then select the proxy tab.
d. Change the Execution mode from proxy to user.
e. Click on OK
f. Allow the worker to restart.
II. Setup your clients -
a. Install the core msi
b. Open the Configuration Dialog: Program Files->Pipelinefx->qube! 4.0
c. Select the "Client Settings" tab and "check on" the "Auto-Mount (Windows Only)" box.
d. Click on OK.
III. Authenticate each user -
a. Open the "Windows Login" dialog under: Program Files->Pipelinefx->qube! 4.0
b. Type in your domain password twice.
c. Click on OK
I'll run through a quick explination for each step so that you can get a better understanding of what qube! is doing.
Setting up the worker first requires that you change it from running a job under a precreated user called qubeproxy to running the job under the actual user's authenticated data.
Since you're probably going to want to run your jobs with that user's mapped drives premounted, you'll want to turn auto-mounting to "on". The client host will duplicate any network and loopback drive maps on the worker host.
Because qube! requires your real windows password, the Windows login is required per user. If you don't change the passwords, then you don't have to login more than once. In terms of security, the login dialog encrypts the password using a 512 bit encryption algorithm and stored on the supervisor encrypted.
To test these settings, first you'll want to submit a simple command line job.
Open Start->Run (type: cmd)
qbsub dir
you can check on the status from the qubic! gui or from the command line using qbjobs.
If the job fails, you'll want to check on the permissions for the worker's log directory. This is where file permissions starts to become extremely important as qube! itself may not be in the position to correct them for you. The log directory for the worker is by default here: C:\windows\temp or C:\winnt\temp depending on your OS. You should open the directory to Everyone with full permissions. If you prefer not to keep the log directory in the windows directory (which is understandable) you can always change it in the Configuration Gui.
If the job completes, you'll want to double check the output. It should look something like this:
qbsub dir
qbjobs 2916
total: 0/1 cpu(s) 0/0 work
% id pid pgrp label status user type name cpus priority cluster groups
n/a 2916 1 2916 qube1 complete anthony cmdline 0/1 9999 /
qbout 2916
[Feb 7, 2006 11:53:41] anthonyws : job type version:
loading command line executor.
job id: 2916
COMMAND: "C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe" /C dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 38E7-6EBB
Directory of C:\WINNT\system32
02/06/2006 07:16p <DIR> .
02/06/2006 07:16p <DIR> ..
03/03/2005 05:48a 304 $winnt$.inf
03/29/2002 03:32p 2,151 12520437.cpx
03/29/2002 03:32p 2,233 12520850.cpx
09/19/2001 02:32p 720,896 a3d.dll
12/07/1999 02:00a 32,016 aaaamon.dll
04/03/2003 12:17a 172,032 ac3filter.ax
12/07/1999 02:00a 67,344 access.cpl
08/29/2002 07:06a 64,512 acctres.dll
06/19/2003 09:05a 150,800 accwiz.exe
12/07/1999 02:00a 61,952 acelpdec.ax
12/07/1999 02:00a 131,856 acledit.dll
06/19/2003 09:05a 78,096 aclui.dll
12/07/1999 02:00a 4,368 acsetupc.dll
12/07/1999 02:00a 17,168 acsetups.exe
This confirms that a job will run and the log's are ok. Now you'll want to check your mounted drives:
qbsub G:\
If you do not get an output which looks like the contents of your mapped drive, like in the example G: then check the workerlog. This is located here: C:\Program Files\pfx\qube\logs\workerlog.*
The worker will mention that it is unable to map the drives and will also mention why.
Once you have solved the file system issues, the renders will work properly.