Author Topic: qube! 4.0-5 Released  (Read 8769 times)


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qube! 4.0-5 Released
« on: March 21, 2006, 02:29:38 AM »

We've addressed may of the issues found in qube! 4.0 and have posted fixes for them in this release 4.0-5.  It's available for download.  The release notes are below. 

You may download version 4.0-5 here:

Please download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.

Thank you,

Pipelinefx Support Team

# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Pipelinefx L.L.C. All rights reserved.
# ###########################################################################
# Filename: RELEASE.txt
# Description:
#  Release notes for the 3dsmax jobtype for Qube!
# ###########################################################################

@RELEASE: 4.0-5 (2006-03-20)

Please read the README.txt file for the latest important information
regarding the installation and use of this package.

This release works with qube-core version 4.0-0 and above.

The biggest feature of this release is the addition of 3dsmax v8 and After Effects

6.5 support. Also, this release includes a number of bug-fixes and/or small

enhancements.  Upgrading from the previous version is strongly recommended.

@BUGFIX: Case 8136 - Watchdog is disabled on install (64bit windows unsupported)
@BUGFIX: Case 8372 - qubeproxy password satisfies Windows password complexity
@BUGFIX: Case 10429 - Rapidly submitted jobs will obey cluster designations (this is

now on by default)
@BUGFIX: Case 9432 - New config defaults: client_job_flags = auto_mount, worker_cpus

= 0
@BUGFIX: Case 7718 - Running agenda items include host's name
@BUGFIX: Case 9046 ? Removed .NET version requirement (note: dialog still states that

v. 1.1 is required ? case 8686)
@BUGFIX: Cases 8024, 8302 ? qbwrk.conf no longer losing definition
@BUGFIX: Case 9430 ? Disabling remove_logs doesn't also disable auto_mount
@BUGFIX: Case 8476 ? Installing worker no longer removes shutdown user rights

@BUGFIX: Case 10052 ? Corrected situation where worker returned invalid agenda item

to supervisor
@BUGFIX: Case 9431 ? Install default is no longer remove_logs
@BUGFIX: Case 10929 ? Proper drive mappings don't show in the config GUI
@FEATURE: Added disable_windows_job_object flag for Adobe After Effects compatibility

@BUGFIX: Case 7850 - Correct notepad example
@BUGFIX: Case 7715 - Correct qbmodify manpages
@BUGFIX: Case 7149 - Correct perl example typos
@BUGFIX: Case 6896 - Correct qb.conf temple drive map example
@BUGFIX: Case 2587 ? Correct ?Synopsis? spelling
@BUGFIX: Case 7694 ? Pipelinefx phone numbers to include numbers
@BUGFIX: Case 7625 ? Correct Windows worker_logfile example in qb.conf Case
@BUGFIX: 6932 ? Added callbacks filter in qbjobs manpages Case 9413 ? Added label

filter in qbsub manpages

@BUGFIX: Case 4126 ? Fields not passed to qbjobinfo()
@BUGFIX: Case 7282 ? Python qb.recoverjob() should call _qb.recoverjob() Case
@BUGFIX: 10010 ? Correct divide by 0 issue when repeat submitted with 0 interval Case

9099 ? Added qbresume() to php API