Author Topic: Windows workers and Auto-Mounting  (Read 11721 times)


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Windows workers and Auto-Mounting
« on: March 24, 2006, 01:22:30 AM »
Because the unique properties of the Microsoft Network environment, we'll be starting this topic on what options administrators have when addressing file sharing between clients and workers.

Limitations to keep in mind:

? ? ?Certain versions of Windows have limits on how many hosts may simultaneously access files.? These are the ones we currently know about which have hard coded limitations:
? ? ? ? ? ?Windows 2000 - 10 licenses
? ? ? ? ? ?Windows 2000 Professional - 10 licenses
? ? ? ? ? ?Windows XP Home - 5 licenses
? ? ? ? ? ?Windows XP Professional - 10 licenses

You may refer to more information about this from Microsoft's Support Website:? ?

? ? ? Because of this limitation it's recommended sites use a real Windows File Server or commercial alternative such as RedHat Linux using Samba or Apple OSX using Samba, other Enterprise alternatives include NetApp, HP, and the many many high quality dedicated file servers out there.

? ? ? Besides addressing the file server issue, you must also address authentication as an issue as well.? qube! supports 2 authentication models.? As with everything, each has it's advantages as well as disadvantages.? The first is the "proxy" authentication.? qube! will use a single account to execute the jobs you submit to the farm as well as use the account for file system authentication.? ?Because of this the method your facility uses to manage users determines how you'll need to setup the proxy user.

? ? ? ? ? For facilities without any form of authentication, in other words, no Active Directory Server, you are restricted to proxy user mode only.? qube! automatically creates a proxy user called qubeproxy and expects this user to be available on your file server as well with the same login name and password.? For your reference:

? ? ? ? ? ?User name: qubeproxy
? ? ? ? ? ?Password: Pip3lin3P@$$wd
? ? ? ? ? ?(Note: for versions of qube! earlier than 4.0-5 the password is:? ? password)

? ? ? ? ?Pros: Not very many unless you do not have a Primary Domain Controller
? ? ? ? ?Cons: Requires users to make sure their data and storage locations are accessable by everyone.

? ? ? ? ? For facilities with an active directory server, your choices of configuration is not limited to just proxy mode.? However for purposes of a complete topic we'll go over the proxy on an active directory server:

? ? ? ? ?qube! can also use a domain user as the proxy account rather than a local account.? This makes things easier if your file server is also a windows file server and authenticates via the Active Directory server as well.

? ? ? ? ? ? ?Pros:? Administrator can limit proxy account's access from Active Directory Server.? Removes requirement of users having to login to qube!
? ? ? ? ? ? ?Cons:? File permissions must be open for everyone or there must be a shared file system workflow where users move data in and out of a central location open for everyone.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Requires use of Primary Domain Controller.

? ? ? ? ?qube!'s user mode is the preferred mode of execution of you are using a complete Windows Networking Environment.? All jobs are executed under the real user's permissions and user id.? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? Pros:? File permissions are correct and file ownership is also correctly written.? Fairly transparent
? ? ? ? ? ? Cons:? All users must register their windows password with the supervisor (encrypted of course)? This must be done every time the user changes their password.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Requires use of Primary Domain Controller.

? ? ? ? ?Please feel free to ask questions about auto-mounting here.?



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Re: Windows workers and Auto-Mounting
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 04:05:51 PM »
How do you setup the qubeproxy account to use a domain proxy account?  Everything I try fails with the worker unable to verify the password.


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Re: Windows workers and Auto-Mounting
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 06:32:48 PM »
I have tried domain/user, domain\user, both fail the password check.