Hey Turi,
Actually, the system's method of expansion works like this:
If a new bunch of cpus comes online, (jobs quit, processors unlock ,etc...) we look into the queue to see who's ready to start. The jobs which don't fit these new cpus (os version ,etc... ) are filtered out and we then look at who has the highest priority. If a job which has expand is at the top of the list, new subjobs are created and the job is dispatched to these cpus. The catch however, is the job cannot have any failed or complete subjobs. This tells the system that the job is already out of frames to do, so it will not expand the job. It's a relativly simple mechanism, but it will only add subjobs when necessary.
So in my usual round about manner to answering a persons question, Yes. It will take those free processors. (Assuming that it has the priority to do so)
Keep the questions coming.