Author Topic: qube configuration issues , failed jobs  (Read 11483 times)


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qube configuration issues , failed jobs
« on: February 21, 2007, 02:48:27 AM »

i am setting up our qube for my facility and i am having some issues with jobs failing and or jobs processing but only 1 subjob process.

ex. send job to 6 workers but only 1 worker runs the subjob.

Can you please help me with some trouble shooting suggestons?

Our whole goal with this renderfarm is to to have as many workers processing 1 job at the same time, and to finish it as fast as possible.

I have some questions in addition to my problem.
What are some other possible configurations the clients should be set to?
what should the worker  max threads be set to?
what should the worker  idle threads be set to?
what should the worker  max clients be set to?
what are some useful configurations for the supervisor?
And any suggestions for other configurations based on my resources listed below?

current configs for facility

- all pc's on same network, subnet,

- supervisor is on win xp pro, with p4 and 1gb ram
         - installed  xsi job type, python, pearl,core, qubic, and supervisor 5.0vs (latest)

- renderfarm is on 21pcs with p4's 2gb ram under cluster //renderfarm
         - installed  xsi job type, core, python, pearl,worker 5.0 version (latest), and xsi5.11

-10 clients with win xp pro
       - xsi jobtype, core, 5.0 version , xsi 5.11, python, pearl,
       - clients are set to autoexpand, auto mount, use host list

- 1 render storage running windows xp pro with qubeproxy account added. ( this file server will be upgraded soon to a real server with more then 10 connections allowed by windows xp pro., ie linux)


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Re: qube configuration issues , failed jobs
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 03:46:37 AM »
Hey Fluidspy,

    Thanks for posting your query to the forum.  Before I can help you, I need a few things clarified.  I'm gonna assume you use XSI.  Have the qube! licenses been properly installed?

    To check this:  use the command qbping

    Start->Run   type: cmd

    Secondly, are all of these hosts properly licensed for xsi?



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Re: qube configuration issues , failed jobs
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 03:38:23 PM »
hi anthony,

1. Yes, the qube license has been properly installed, it was put in the root directory of the supervisor station, as instructed.

2. Yes all of the hosts are licensed for XSI, they are all athenticated through a license sever.


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Re: qube configuration issues , failed jobs
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2007, 03:34:27 AM »
Hey Fluidspy,

     Ok, most of the time it's a good idea to ask the obvious questions first.  So now that is out of the way, could I get more information on the kinds of jobs you are submitting?  Are these animation sequences? or single images?

     Could I get the following output from your farm if possible?  btw. if this is hitting material which you would prefer to discuss in private, you are always welcome to send mail to instead.  Your bug will be assigned a case number and handled confidentially.

     However assuming you'll provide the data:

          Start->Run  type cmd

        The output to the following commands will help:

               qbhosts -l
               qbjobs -l
