Author Topic: Qube! 5.2-2 Released  (Read 8438 times)


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Qube! 5.2-2 Released
« on: November 14, 2007, 01:07:04 AM »

Qube! 5.2-2 is here!

You can access the software at:

Please download and install the appropriate versions for your systems.
Release information can be found below.

Thank you,

PipelineFX Support Team

#Qube 5.2 Release Notes
@RELEASE: 5.2-2

This release includes Qube! 5.2-2

Fedora Core 2.0 x86
Fedora Core 3.0 x86
Fedora Core 5.0 x86,x64
Redhat Linux 9.0 Win32
Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.0 x86
Redhat Enterprise Linux 4.0 x86,x64
Suse Linux 9.2 x86
Suse Linux 9.3 x86
Suse Linux 10.0 x86
Suse Linux 10.1 x64
Apple OSX 10.4 Universal
Windows 2003/XP/2000 x86,x64

Release 5.2-2
@FEATURE: Integrating jobid and subid routines into python api
@FEATURE: Added auto-complete feature. Auto-matically completes extra subjobs once the frames are completed.
@FEATURE: Added settimeout(), gettimeout(), setsupervisor(), getsupervisor() to python api.

@BUGFIX: Found problem with global reservation engine which prevents it from releasing resources owned by subjob 0
@BUGFIX: Fixed issue where specifying both a cluster and a group in a job, disables preemption.
@BUGFIX: Global resource fix for ghost dutys which are released silently, without syncing those results to the assignment table.
@BUGFIX: Corrected included mysql software for OSX
@BUGFIX: Logging protocol modifications to prevent memory overflow in the supervisor
@BUGFIX: Fixed "retry" bug where a running job, will not allow a user to reset already done items back to pending