Author Topic: Qube Installation Woes (Qube! 5.2 w/Windows Vista and OSX 10.5)  (Read 9058 times)


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Qube Installation Woes (Qube! 5.2 w/Windows Vista and OSX 10.5)
« on: November 22, 2007, 08:47:57 AM »
  I have been trying to install Qube for hours and hours at this point with no success and I could maybe use some help or affirmation that what I am doing won't work.  I have tried on several machines so far.
First box:  Windows Vista 64 bit
Second Box:  MacBook Pro Leopard
Third Box:     Windows XP

Once I installed perl and python on each machine I proceed to try to setup all three as workers and the Vista box as the supervisor which is where the fun begins.  I am using the 64 bit installs:
core: installed ok
supervisor: failed at first because it couldn't find the mysql on 3300.  I thought this was suppose to be part of the install, so I worked my way around it by downloading my own copy of mySQL and installing it.  Supervisor Installs
Worker: Fails because of the worker5.jnl file is unable to be opened.  Checked the forums and found the tip on the qb.conf file. I searched the entire machine and there is NO qb.conf file.

(I rebooted between each step)

Uninstalled everything and gave it a go using the 32 bit msi's on the 64bit Box
core: installed
supervisor: installed:
GUI: Failed because "Qube is not installed"

Backed everything out and went back to the 64 bit version for later use (explained later)

Switch to the MacBookPro hoping I could just use it as the supervisor
Core: Installed
Supervisor: Hangs on "Finishing installation" and does not complete
Worker: Installed
GUI: Installed

I thought I would see if I could see the Vista supervisor from either Mac or PC
I installed my license file on the vista machine
supervisor is down
tried starting it "The service name is invalid"

OK.....uninstall the 64 bit version of everything on Vista and reinstall 32 bit to see if that will register properly
AFter the supervisor install I ping again and nothing... so reboot
qbping again after reboot-> no qb_supervisor or qbdomain specified in qb.conf

makes sense since the file doesn't exist.  Steel the file from another luck

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Qube at least 15 times on 3 different machines.  Unfortunately I can't install the supervisor on the XP machine because it is on it's last leg.  The only other machine available for testing is another leopard machine.  Which I have to imagine will have the same problem as the current leopard machine.

I've been at this far longer than I had hoped and as you can imagine am a bit fried and could use a hand.   I am a bit worried that the solution is to find a Mac with Tiger or use a Linux box for the supervisor (also available, but definitely not preferred).  In either case the fact that I can't install the worker on Vista box is a bit of set back since several of our stronger machines are configured as such.

I am able to start the qubeworker service on the XP machine which furthers my concern that I just won't be able to use the Vista box as a worker even if I am successful in setting up the supervisor on the Mac or even eventually the linux.

Any ideas or workarounds would be great.  The ideal config would be supervisor on the MacBook Pro and workers everywhere else including the MacBookPro.   If supervisor won't install on MacbookPro the next best would be supervisor on Vista box.  With 64 bit vista machines as workers.

Thank you for reading this much!

« Last Edit: December 17, 2007, 12:13:29 PM by anthony »


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Re: Qube Installation Woes
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2007, 10:09:34 AM »
Hey Dreidrage,

     Unfortunatly, 2 of the 3 os's you mention in your mail, we do not officially support.  Vista especially, because of it's new security mechanisms, we've had to spend a great deal of time reworking the Qube! installer to deal with Vista's specific requirements.  We are planning on supporting Vista, and will be officially supporting it as of 5.3 or later.  (we are currently at 5.2)

     This goes for Leopard as well.  Since Leopard is also fairly new, we havn't fully qualified the platform for use yet.

     As far as I can see, you don't have very many options unfortunately.  However this is what I know from using Vista.

     Qube! 5.2 should behave oddly specifically because of the way Vista runs it.  You'll find the qb.conf file not in the windows directory, but in your installation user's home directory under LocalSettings/VirtualStore/Windows

     You'll also find that you may need to run the qbservice routines manually to get them to configure your host properly.   We'll probably be calling for Beta users for 5.3 soon since it is in working order, and is Vista capable now.



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Re: Qube Installation Woes
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2007, 06:52:35 AM »
Thanks for the info Anthony,
  I had a feeling that was the case based on my experience.  When I have some time I will run some more tests to see if I can find a worker "work-around" for the Vista box.