Our current Cinema4D simpleCmd submission UI can be easily modified to support R12, and any other future versions of C4D that may come out; you can simply type the full path to the C4d executable in the "c4dExe" field (see the attached screen-shot), hit 'Presets Set' to save this as your default, and you're ready for the next version of C4d.
As we release new versions of the QubeGUI, we continually add the paths to the latest version of application executables so that users don't have to type it in the first time.
If you'll post the full path to the R12 "CINEMA 4D.exe", we'll add it in so that it's in the next release.
Or would I be correct in guessing:
C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R12\CINEMA 4D.exe
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